Face to face with my thoughts, desires, ambitions, fears…..

1. What thoughts bring you joy or peace when you take a moment to listen to your inner voice?

Perhaps it’s wierd but I constantly talk or listen to my inner voice. Generaly when I have a problem and I think about it and find the solution and that’s when I relax or get joyfull.

2. What do you want right now, and why?

I want some rest. For the last few years I’m constantly studying for something and I just feel sick of it. I took hopefuly my last exam for now and I just want to relax a bit.

3. What do you need to tell yourself when you are feeling scared or unsure?

I undertood that everything is temporal and in the and it’l be fine.

4. What does success look like to you personally, not to others?

Overall I believe that success is when I have a good family, big business and ambitions.

5. What is your biggest day-to-day challenge?

Doing homework.

6. What are three things you desire most in life right now?

Alone-time and some rest is more than enough.

7.What advice would you give to your younger self?

Actually when I look back I understand than everything that happened turned out to be good for me so I wouldn’t say anything.

8. What in your life do you feel most grateful for?

My family.

9. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

I would want my parents not to pressure me to do my homework.

The cycle of society

“Though times, create strong men. Strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men. Weak men create tough times.” This quote really summarizes how society and the general state of the community affects the mentality of coming generations. A clear example of this is the aftermath of WW2. Society was in shambles as most families were either poor or sick or both. They had to work extra hard and sacrifice many opportunities just to be able to get by. But somehow society reconstructed itself and became better than ever, with new and improved technology, health and education systems. Overall this created a time where poverty wasn’t as widespread as it used to be, so it pretty much meant easy times were created. And nowadays younger generations have many opportunities to go study, work and be supported all the way through. Unfortunately nowadays, most people don’t want to study, work and improve, therefore society is collapsing progressively.